The Secret Weapon For IVR & On-Hold Phone Greetings

If there’s one thing you can practically guarantee that customers hate, it’s being kept on hold. But, as your business grows, keeping customers waiting is inevitable. Professional voiceover from a Black American female voice actor for on hold messages, and interactive voice response can bring a variety of benefits for your customers, and your branding.


How Voice Over Takes IVR Messages to the Next Level…

IVR messages help your company run efficiently by dealing with calls quickly, and directing customers exactly where they need to go. For the customer, IVR is much more personable, and easier to understand with a professional millennial voice over. Rather than a tinny, robotic voice, customers get to hear from a friendly representative, who will help them take control of their issue. 

Why is Voiceover Perfect for On Hold Messages?

When it comes to on hold messages, voiceover can help maintain the perfect balance between wait times and customer satisfaction. Of course, having their call connect instantly to a professional voiceover is especially beneficial for customer patience. By offering a bespoke customer experience, hiring an African American female voice actor will reassure your customers that their call will be dealt with. On top of all this, employees can answer calls in a calm and thorough manner, allowing them to offer each and every customer the great service your company is known for.

How Does Voiceover from an African American Female Voice Actor Help Branding?

Even without someone on the other end of the call, voiceover from a Black American female voice actor helps boosts branding, and brand perception. This is not just because it offers a human centered approach, and lets your customers know you put them first. Professional voice over helps you retain customer calls until an employee can answer them. Low call abandonment, thanks to voice over, is a key point for your marketing, converting customers with excellent customer service guaranteed. 

Christian Stoner

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Diversity Trends In Voiceover